Monday 2 June 2014


Haha jing! Fret not- we'll meditate together and seek inner peace and be like the Dalai Lama! You're not missing out on much don't worry- it's not a difficult concept- anyone could do it so can we :)
Anyways I feel like sometimes stress can actually help with work efficiency- but we have to make sure we manage it well and don't let it take over and lose control. It is hard to juggle everything at once, and to live the balanced life but I suppose we learn with time and of course, many mistakes on the way.
It's okay though, because we would eventually get closer to the life we dream to live :)

I can't wait to travel too- hopefully it'll work out end of year. Definitely up for a roadtrip/short retreat! It'll be fun, SO MUCH FUN.

And matt, haha I know 9 semesters may sound so long to go but really as time passes and when the 9 becomes 7 or 5, you'll get closer to finishing and the excitement builds up. I suppose clinical years would be much more fun with more hands on experience and everything so hang on there, things will get better and much more fun :)

Have you had any placements yet? Tell me about it! Must be very exciting entering hospitals with another role, not just being the patient anymore!

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