Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Awaiting Neri!

Wow, in 3 days time you will reach Penang again!

Welcome back Neri I say this to you first. You seem like still busy with all your school work. I guess you will only be free on Friday night right. 

Oh, I remember you said you hope June will reach faster when you left in February. See, time flies so fast itself and we need not it to be any more faster. Haha. 

Indeed many things happened since you left. Many stories I will tell once you come back. While your brain is filled with more knowledge, mine has no input at all and the worst part is it couldn't hold the old knowledge either. I would not say I wasted all the time, that is not right, even though I feel like nothing important or meaningful etches in my mind. Luckily I am a blogger, faithfully recording every event happened for reference in the future. 

Too bad this time I couldn't spend much time with you. Theoretically we have 5 days, but I think it is less than that. I will try to plan it wisely k? Haha. What I worry is the time we have cannot stand the length of my stories, and it is apparently not enough to cover yours. On top of that what kills our precious time is I need to pack my stuff. Maybe I should start doing it now? However, I can't get away with the excitement of last-minute tasks! Nevermind, I will try to make a difference this time.

One important thing! You must teach me time-management ya! I am serious! You have overseas hostel life experience of 3 years! You can start to prepare your slides now, and you can collaborate with Ah Jing to help me to deal with this topic. She has 3 weeks of experience. Haha. I really need a more disciplined life there in Taylor's! I can't afford to waste any time. You see I need to do the laundry by myself too. Mind you I do not know how much detergent should I put. Teach me to resist playing and idling. I need some advices on my new life, a life without her. And I don't know how is sharing room looks like. I hope it wouldn't be too bad. One more! How to get rid of public bathrooms! Can I build my private one ah. Haha.

Okay, many of my male friends have faith that I am capable of dealing with all that. I have confident too. Just allow me to whine like a little fair lady kay, please. Thank you.

Although I resist changes, I do not fear of them. I am rather looking forward to it, and let's see how I tackle all the challenges ahead.

Chin up, bold face, broad smile. Here I come. 


  1. At first, cut down your "advertisement time" when you tell Neri all the stories while she was not here~ :)

    1. What lah~ you ahh!

      Okay, I will try to.

      But we need a break de ma, that's where the commercials come in lah.

  2. hahaha whoa got ADs some more, are you paid for it though ah matty? I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! CANNOT WAIT TO SPEND TIME WITH you guys!

    hahah time management is not exactly my strength but i'll definitely help you out really!:) and yes of course, if you don't whine in front of me you're not the matty i know lol! both of you are my whining babies really:)


    ILY TWO!:)

    1. Neri ah, I will try to cut short k. I will use different apps to tell you the stories.

      Really ah, sometimes I think I am a little bit too cissy ah. I must be man a bit k. Leaving Penang means leaving Ah Jing and your protective shield.I must be brave enough to pick up a fight!yeah.

      1 more day only!PACK UP!
