Saturday, 24 March 2012


I have to admit that I feel lucky for not having to go through those sleepless study days like all of you did. I thought that 'Geez,I wouldn't be able to survive that' and I secretly salute all of you for your determination to strive. But, I somehow wish that I was one of the students that sat for SPM, celebrating the joy of results with all of you right now. Life's like that huh I guess, full of dilemma.

The 21st of March, I guess that's gonna be a perfect topic to write about if you were given an essay titled "An unforgettable day in my life"now, wouldn't it? It's definitely going to be cliche. Well, I suppose this day has managed to affect so many students in so many ways. I hope mostly, it brought happiness :)

SPM results are released.

This piece of paper which seemingly look like it could have been a child's printed assignment with random grades on it has somehow managed to be the basis people judge you on.'s just a piece of paper man.

The value of this result slip has been overestimated too much. For those who managed to score well, good on you but for those who didn't, it seems as though their future has gone down into the drain when in fact, it's not often the case. Reality is harsh, the people who live in it are even harsher. Society has manipulated all the 'innocent' peoples' views,  causing them to believe that grades are everything when in fact, some other qualities of a person do outweigh their intelligence when it comes to determining whether a person is 'the one' for a highly paid jobs or a recipient of a scholarship. I'm not saying that getting good results are not important, it is important, but people nowadays have become so judgmental until the extent that they do not even bother to appreciate the value of those who did not do well in the so-called government exams. And really, this is not right.

Okay maybe I shouldn't babble on, because it would not take me anywhere. What's the point talking about it when I have absolutely no intention of protesting against these narrow-minded and judgmental attitudes? People want actions, not words. So I think I should chill and back off.

A little something for everyone-
I guess it's fair to say that you get what you work for. No point regretting over things and thinking that, oh i could have done better, because I can say that you have tried your very best when you walked out of that exam hall. There's nothing you could do to change that A- into an A or an A into an A+. So, stop worrying and feeling depressed about something that is not going to change, work for something that you can change. FYI, your future is not in the garbage bin and it is not the end of the world for you if you didn't get straight As okay. There are always other ways in getting things done, it depends on how strong-willed and how determined are you in achieving your goals.
I really don't want to use this idiom but nothing better can replace this but here you go, something cliche to cheer up the sad people- "Nothing is impossible because the word impossible itself spells 'I'm Possible!' I hope I did put a smile on your face and have somehow have faith in yourself again *fingers crossed*!

By the way, Congratulations to MJ for the results you've got! And also congratulations to all of my friends:) I'm sure all of you did well :D

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